Profile PictureArunima

Make Better Decisions - 8 Mental Models and How to Apply Them

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Make Better Decisions - 8 Mental Models and How to Apply Them

7 ratings

You're taught how to use a fork.

You're taught how to use a pen.

You're taught how to use a calculator.

You're taught how to use math.

To eat, write, solve and understand the world.

But did anyone teach you how to use your brain to make decisions?

What if we're using it ALL WRONG.

What the hell?

Come to think of it, the 7-year-old you did some math and analysis on how the world goes...

And now you're living your life on the decisions you've learned to make with NO HELP.


That's why you need a template.

A template to think, make decisions, understand people and everything around you.

And that template is MENTAL MODELS.

Now the thing with any template is.. you should know how to apply it.

While you'll read shitloads of articles on psychology and models, you can't just start it tomorrow.

Rewiring your brain is not easy.

You need to teach it as you taught yourself the alphabet.

And no one teaches mental models like that.

That was the inspiration behind this eBook.

Everyone talks about the tools i.e. the models but you don't know how to bring them to your daily life once you've closed the book.

With that in mind, I've compiled 8 Mental Models that will give you the formula to assess and improve your relationships, mindset, finance, habits, and yourself.

The book is written in easily digestible points which you can grasp and apply quickly.

And it's filled with examples and stories for better retention.

What exactly do you get?

40+ pages on 8 Crucial Mental Models with sections -

  • What is it?
  • How can you apply in life?
  • Where can you apply?
  • Examples of applications
  • Cues to help your brain remember
  • Exercise and Accountability

It's designed for a beginner who is serious to take control of their life and mind.

There are prompts, frameworks, ideas, situations, examples, stories in every chapter.

You can have some sneak peek here <3

Not only this, at the end you get a 5-page cheatsheet which summarizes all the mental models and their columns - for easy retention and revision

One question - Why only 8 models?

I am not big on overloading you with 103 models, selling a dream of 'Everything will change for better if you apply this' cause let's get real - You can't.

Better than that information overload, I've picked 8 BEST models that span across fixing your thought process on work, finance, relationships, and life.

If you're someone who's interested in going through 120 models (and applying 0) this is not for you.

This is strictly for someone who want to narrow down to GREAT models and implement the hell out of them.

People like you have bought it and here's what they are saying about it..

If you read this intently and apply the exercises, you'll improve your thought process and perspective by leaps and bounds.

How am I saying so?

Cause mental models have changed my life, brain, decision-making process and everyday thoughts for the better.

And I want you to have that chance.

They say...You're one decision away from changing your life..and what if this is it? :p

So .. let me help you rewire your brain and make better decisions.

Take your copy right away!

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86 sales

40+ pages on 8 Important Mental Models with solid cues on how to apply them.

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